MSA Organic Vapors Flexi-Filters for Advantage Respirators have low-profile and are flexible filters that fit well under a welding hood and with other personal protective equipment. MSA Safety vapors Flexi-Filters offer great balance and weight distribution for maintaining a good face seal, while their swept-back design provides improved vision and comfort. In addition, their multi-layer composite construction gives them better durability and spark resistance. Finger tabs prevent possible filter damage and provide for an easy installation. MSA Safety Flexi-Filter replacement filters are available with the P100 classification for high-efficiency protection against oil and non-oil containing hazards or hazard-specific standards requiring HEPA filters such as the Lead and Asbestos Standards.
Organic Vapor/Ozone Pack of 2
- NIOSH 42 CF184
- EN 143
- Use for sanding, painting, grinding
- Asbestos removal